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Chairman Message

                      FROM THE DESK OF DIRECTORS
Every Single human is enriched with some talent from inside "RVIT EDUCATION & VOCATIONAL TRAINING COUNCIL"’ focus on growth of every one with all possible talents He/She comes with. Our pedagogy ensures a holistic growth model of RVIT. The Indian corporate sector today is going through a whirl wide change in terms of technology and consumer expectations have placed heavy demands on business origination that have to keep adopting themselves to these rapid changes.  To manage such business institute are required to produce future computer educated people. Our aim is to empower individuals intellectually enable them to develop their full potential  by enhancing competencies, culture and commitment and contribution to achievement of professional excellence instead of waiting for time to bring to our lives, let us take one right step ahead let us not wait for big things to happen.        
  "RVIT" with many centers all over India aims to provide learning opportunity as well as earning opportunity. In our endeavor to promote greater transparency and accountability through increased use of technology and online services, we would like to request the users to provide their valuable feedback, as we believe that quality is not a destination, but is a journey to improve.
  We are committed to offers excellent minds and talents in order to be instrumental, by putting in our candid efforts, in the building process of our NATION.
    with best wishes………………….

                                                                                                                                               Er_Shubhankar Verma